Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I need a 4-leaf clover!

I realized that I have a lot going on in my head...hence the creation of this blogspot.

At the moment, I'm not feeling so great due to a fractured wrist and taking oxicodone for the pain...great medication minus the fact that I'm stuck in the library cause I can't drive back under these conditions! I feel kinda dizzy and upset stomach, and for those of who might say I probably should've eaten, I had a great meal at the greek place across hillsborough!

Now onto this 4-leaf clover I stated, I have a fractured wrist, and its on my RIGHT arm. By the way, I'm a righty...and my right arm is in a splint all the way to my elbow! Here's the list of things that are difficult...don't feel sorry for me, be happy that I can still provide entertainment haha

1) Shower - gotta put a plastic bag over my whole arm; toughest part is tying the knot with my left hand haha
2) Brushing my teeth with my left hand...lets say im not that coordinated with my left hand at all!
3) Dressing myself with...u got left hand lol Its kinda tough to button and zip with an uncoordinated hand.
4) Can't fully wear my jacket so it gets really cold for me - i tried putting on a sweater, bad idea...kinda stretchd my sleeve!

ok enough about my hand.

1 comment:

Don said...

gee wiz dude i didn't know it was that bad!